Wednesday nights in Oakville Monaghan’s Sports Pub and Grill usually has a Leaf, Raptor, Jays or soccer playing on one of their 30 big screens across the bar. If you are just looking for a place to hang out with friends, or shoot some pool, may we suggest Wednesday nights.
Monaghan’s Sports Pub and Grill is located at 1289 MARLBOROUGH COURT in OAKVILLE, ONTARIO directly across the street from Sheridan College Oakville Campus.
Tall Cans of Domestic beer such as Molson Canadian and Coors Light are on special starting at 5pm. Monaghan’s kitchen is open until Midnight so you can order from the full menu. Don’t forget to follow Monaghan’s on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. #Oakville #BeerSpecials #Wednesday #TallCans